Sunday, 19 May 2019

The social media mannerism

Good morning

It is scary to see how many hours a day/week I spend on social media. Thanks to those functions that keep you aware, kind of inclining how much of a social media slave/ addict you are. Makes me wonder sometimes... And I always thought I wasn't. I felt a pride thinking and saying that I don't put up so much of my life out there, I just want to be aware of what's going on around me. 

So this morning when I waved my son and husband off while they were going for a sport selection, I experienced a wave of happiness, like a genuine one where you smile even when the people you are smiling at have left and cannot see it. 

I did not reach out to my phone to document it, but I did want to write about it. Yes, it's the same and that's where I am getting at. 
I have always heard growing up that sharing happiness doubles it and sharing sadness halves it. So, who am I to judge the people who do it more often than others!
And then the mannerism- hand on your heart, have you felt these ever- Did he like my post?, Is she unfollowing me?, What!!! did you block me, Ah! alright, so she friended my neighbor now too!, What do they have in common?, All those heart emojis - so exaggerated!, She has stopped commenting on my posts....
Well, are there really manners to be considered when it comes to social media? Shouldn't it just be a media to stay in touch, share ones personality? We are all born with different personalities. Some of us are more expressive than others, some of us are more personal, and don't want our lives to be exposed, some of us are more curious than others. 
However we have now reached a social media stage where a lot can be said, expressed, done and conveyed by one single click. We are all officially social media analysts. We all have our own interpretations, our own scales of reading between the lines, we are all a part of it. Even by not being a part of it we are subconsciously making a statement- 'I don't care', I am way beyond all this!
I remember when SMS was new and trendy- I thought 'super! Now I don't have to 'say' things anymore. I can write it and get the message through. I was a chicken and I even remember turning my phone off after sending something I knew could be hurtful! (Stop thinking how mean I was). 
And today everyone, just about everyone has that possibility. To say things without having to say. It is  democratic at a whole new level. At the same time there is a certain danger of mannerism running down the drain. 

I can go on and on about it. But think about your set of mannerism, don't forget the person you are- gather inspiration to be someone you want to be but remember that YOUR personality and YOUR mannerism is most valuable. It is something you truly own. That is something to be really preserved.

Have a wonderful day!Here are our kids engaged in Sunday baking.